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Version: 1.0

Hydra's command line flags

Hydra is using the command line for two things:

Any argparse argument that is prefixed by -- or '- is telling Hydra what to do. The rest of the parameters are used to configure your application.

You can view the Hydra specific flags via --hydra-help.

Example output
$ python --hydra-help
Hydra (1.0.0rc3)
See for more info.

== Flags ==
--help,-h : Application's help
--hydra-help : Hydra's help
--version : Show Hydra's version and exit
--cfg,-c : Show config instead of running [job|hydra|all]
--package,-p : Config package to show
--run,-r : Run a job
--multirun,-m : Run multiple jobs with the configured launcher and sweeper
--shell-completion,-sc : Install or Uninstall shell completion:
Bash - Install:
eval "$(python -sc install=bash)"
Bash - Uninstall:
eval "$(python -sc uninstall=bash)"

Fish - Install:
python -sc install=fish | source
Fish - Uninstall:
python -sc uninstall=fish | source

--config-path,-cp : Overrides the config_path specified in hydra.main().
The config_path is relative to the Python file declaring @hydra.main()
--config-name,-cn : Overrides the config_name specified in hydra.main()
--config-dir,-cd : Adds an additional config dir to the config search path
--info,-i : Print Hydra information
Overrides : Any key=value arguments to override config values (use dots for.nested=overrides)

== Configuration groups ==
Compose your configuration from those groups (For example, append hydra/job_logging=disabled to command line)

hydra/help: default
hydra/hydra_help: default
hydra/hydra_logging: default, disabled, hydra_debug
hydra/job_logging: default, disabled
hydra/launcher: basic, rq, submitit_local, submitit_slurm
hydra/output: default
hydra/sweeper: ax, basic, nevergrad

Use '--cfg hydra' to Show the Hydra config.

--help,-h :​

Shows the application's help. This can be customized.

Example output
$ python --help
my_app is powered by Hydra.

== Configuration groups ==
Compose your configuration from those groups (group=option)

db: mysql, postgresql

== Config ==
Override anything in the config (

driver: mysql
user: omry
pass: secret

Powered by Hydra (
Use --hydra-help to view Hydra specific help


Show Hydra's version and exit


Show config instead of running. Takes as parameter one of job, hydra or all.

Example output
$ python --cfg job
# @package _global_
driver: mysql
user: omry
pass: secret


Used in conjunction with --cfg. -p select a specific config package to show.

Example output
$ python --cfg hydra -p hydra.job
# @package hydra.job
name: my_app
override_dirname: ''
id: ???
num: ???
config_name: config
env_set: {}
env_copy: []
kv_sep: '='
item_sep: ','
exclude_keys: []


Run is the default mode and is not normally needed.


Run multiple jobs with the configured launcher and sweeper. See .


Install or Uninstall shell tab completion.


Overrides the config_path specified in hydra.main(). The config_path is relative to the Python file declaring @hydra.main()


Overrides the config_name specified in hydra.main()


Adds an additional config directory to the config search path. This is useful for installed apps that want to allow their users to provide additional configs.


Print Hydra information. This includes installed plugins, search path, composition trace, generated config and more.