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Version: 0.11

Configuration file

It can get tedious to type all those command line arguments every time. Fix it by creating a configuration file:

Configuration file: config.yaml

driver: mysql
user: omry
pass: secret

Specify the config file by passing a config_path parameter to the @hydra.main() decorator. The location of the config_path is relative to your Python file.

Python file:

def my_app(cfg):

config.yaml is loaded automatically when you run your application

$ python
driver: mysql
pass: secret
user: omry

You can override values in the loaded config from the command line:

$ python db.user=root db.pass=1234
driver: mysql
user: root
pass: 1234

Strict mode​

Strict mode is useful for catching mistakes in both the command line overrides and in the code early. Strict mode is on by default when you specify a configuration file for the config_path argument in @hydra.main decorator. It can be turned on or off via the strict argument in your @hydra.main() decorator.

def my_app(cfg):
driver = cfg.db.driver # Okay
user = cfg.db.user # Okay
password = cfg.db.password # Not okay, there is no password field in db!
# This will result in a KeyError

Strict mode will also catch command line override mistakes:

$ python db.port=3306
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'Accessing unknown key in a struct : db.port

With strict mode off, accessing unknown keys in the config is permitted and both the above override and the example below would run.

@hydra.main(config_path='config.yaml', strict=False)
def my_app(cfg):
cfg.db.port = 3306 # Okay